
Ebola 毎日更新 ⋅ 2014年10月12日

毎日更新 2014年10月12日
ABC News

Ebola Patient Displayed Symptoms at First ER Visit
Thomas Eric Duncan, displaying symptoms that could indicate Ebola, underwent a battery of tests during his initial visit to the Dallas emergency room ...
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The Guardian

ABC News

US Ebola victim's medical records reported contradictory
The number of deaths from the Ebola virus soared to 4,033 as of Thursday, with “confirmed, probable, and suspected cases” in seven countries, ...
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Hollywood Reporter

Fox News

Advanced screenings for Ebola begin at JFK airport
The United States on Saturday stepped up its efforts to stop the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, implementing additional screenings for airline ...
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New York Times

Ebola Victim's Family Blames Hospital and State
Health care workers at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, where the Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, 42, was treated. Credit Joe Raedle/Getty ...
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Texas Judge Under Fire For Exposing People To Ebola In 'Political Stunt'
Jenkins was the person splashed all over the nation's TVs last week when he loaded the family of Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan into his Ford ...
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For the right, Ebola is the new Benghazi
The Ebola virus, which killed a patient at a Dallas hospital Wednesday, has become part of the conversation among politicians and pundits — in ...
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US Marines run massive drill to prepare for Ebola pandemic spreading across America
(NaturalNews) A Marine Corps base held a full-scale pandemic outbreak drill within the past week, in which local health officials and U.S. Marine and ...
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Texas Hospital Sent Ebola Patient Home With 103 Degree Fever
Evidence of clinical negligence is piling up against a Texas hospital that initially turned away a patient with Ebola-like symptoms who later died.
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Ebola There, Ebola Here
The first trial of an Ebola vaccine in Africa has started, researchers said Thursday, with the vaccination of three health care workers in Mali…
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Britain Includes Nigeria On List Of Ebola Infested Countries
Fellow Nigerians our victory over Ebola was not a cheap one Ameyo Adadevoh gave her life for it, Many salt water drinkers and "bathers" paid the ...
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Abbreviated Pundit Round-up: What message are we giving on Ebola?
The Dallas case could have been used to explain to Americans what makes Ebola a global threat, he says. “ 'This was a spark to a place that knows ...
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Dallas Ebola patient's family: Duncan had 103-degree fever, released anyway
Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan's family tells CNN's Erin Burnett that Duncan had a 103 degree fever when a Texas hospital sent him home.
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This Is Why You Do NOT Yell "Ebola" in a Crowded Plane
It was soon confirmed that the man didn't have Ebola. He had merely, as the airport's PR person explained, made a “joke of poor taste.” Two hours ...
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How likely are you to get Ebola?!
You will never know if you are going to get Ebola unless you take this quiz! If you don't take this quiz, and share it, three people you know will get ...
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