
エボラ熱防止に15万ドル寄付 Legatum Foundation




Legatum Limited
◎エボラ熱防止に15万ドル寄付 Legatum Foundation

AsiaNet 57760
共同JBN 0938(2014.9.4)

【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)2014年9月3日PRN=共同JBN】Legatum Groupから発展した組織のLegatum Foundationは3日、西アフリカで致死性の高いエボラ出血熱のまん延を防ぐために設立されたEbola Crisis Fundへ15万ドルを寄付したと発表した。




Ebola Crisis Fundは米国の慈善アドバイザー組織のGeneva Globalが運営している。エボラ熱の流行を抑え込むため、効果の高い6つの対策の実施に向けて、100万ドルの寄付金を集めるのを目的としている。

マコーミック氏は「森林火災に広がる前の出火を、家庭用ホースだけで消火できる場合もある。早期の対応は今日の命を救えるばかりか、まん延を食い止めることで明日の数千人の命も救える。Ebola Crisis Fundへの寄付は民間の人には実際的な方法だ。寄付金が多額でも少額でも数千人に影響し、WHOがエボラ熱まん延防止に必要と試算する4億3000万ドルを集めるための重要な一歩となる」と付け加えた。

LegatumなどがEbola Crisis Fundへ寄付した資金は、数千人の人々に対する啓発計画に利用される。これによってエボラ熱の流行が抑制され、感染者とその家族の苦しみを和らげることになる。

Ebola Crisis Fundへの寄付はEbola Crisis Fundのウェブサイトからできる:

▽Legatum Foundationについて
Legatum Foundationは投資グループのLegatumから発展した組織。発展途上国の1400以上の組織に寄付をしている。寄付対象にはEND Fund( http://www.end.org )の熱帯病撲滅、Freedom Fund(http://www.freedomfund.org )の奴隷労働の根絶、アフリカのSpeed Schoolsの児童就学促進が含まれている。Legatum Foundationに関する詳しい情報は以下のウェブサイトを参照:http://www.legatum.org

ソース: Legatum Limited

Legatum Seeds Ebola Crisis Fund With $150,000 Gift


DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 3, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ — -

The Legatum Foundation, the development arm of the Legatum Group, today
announced a donation of $150,000 to the Ebola Crisis Fund, a fund established
to help prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa.

The current outbreak of Ebola, centred in Sierra Leone and Liberia has claimed
more than 1550 lives and is threatening tens-of-thousands more.  There is no
proven vaccine or cure. The disease continues to spread with the Democratic
Republic of Congo recently reporting its first cases.

Making the announcement, Mr. Alan McCormick, Managing Director of Legatum said,
"This crisis is not yet over.  Given the demographics, lack of local awareness
about the disease and paucity of basic medical supplies, an Ebola contagion
remains a significant threat to West Africa.  Just a modest amount of funding
can reduce this threat significantly by providing hygiene equipment and
communications materials to increase awareness about the disease."

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the fatality rate for victims
of Ebola is 52% (average).   However, as the virus is passed on through touch
rather than through the air as with a flu virus, it is possible to
significantly slow Ebola’s transmission through improved health and hygiene

The Ebola Crisis Fund, managed by the US philanthropic advisor Geneva Global,
aims to mobilise $1 million towards an initial six high impact interventions
that will help stem the spread of the disease.

Mr. McCormick added, "Sometimes it only takes a garden hose to douse the flames
of a potential forest fire. An early response will not only save lives today,
but by cutting off the spread of the disease we can save many thousands more
tomorrow.  The Ebola Crisis Fund is a practical way for private donors, large
and small, to make a difference to thousands of people and an important step in
helping raise the $430m which the WHO claims is needed to halt the spread of

Funds donated by Legatum and others to the Ebola Crisis Fund will enable mass
public awareness programmes which will reach thousands of people, helping to
slow the spread of Ebola and alleviate the suffering of victims and their

Donations to the Ebola Crisis Fund can be made online by visiting the Ebola
Crisis Fund Website – http://www.ebolacrisisfund.org.

About Legatum Foundation

The Legatum Foundation is the development arm of the investment group Legatum.
The Foundation has funded more than 1,400 organizations throughout the
developing world, impacting over 70 million lives. Examples include investing
to eradicate Neglected Tropical Diseases through the END Fund
[http://www.end.org ], end slavery through the Freedom Fund
[http://www.freedomfund.org ], and help children get back to school through
Speed Schools in Africa. For more information about Legatum Foundation please
visit http://www.legatum.org.

SOURCE: Legatum Limited

 2014-09-04 15:42


Legatum Foundation

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